Art Camping

Middle East, Visual Arts, Trauma Healing

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Art Camping is a fresh movement that concentrates on various art forms, such as installation, photography, modern architecture, dance, graphic design, painting, and video art. It is, in some ways, a response to current events and circumstances in Aleppo, Syria. The movement provides a safe place for the younger generation to express their emotions, comprehend the occurrences around them, and generate something new.
The aim of the project was to facilitate conversation between diverse groups, including those with differing political and ethnic backgrounds in Aleppo. Art Camping's initial goal was to shift the focus at that time away from the daily death toll and instead highlight the number of individuals who are still alive. 


The ongoing armed conflict in Syria has been a devastating reality for over a decade, causing profound and far-reaching social, economic, and existential issues for all members of society, particularly the youth. These young individuals have grown up in the midst of unspeakable horror and turmoil, with limited opportunities for development and progress.
As vital sectors of society, such as education, remain paralysed, the number of crises and loss of life continue to mount. It is in this context that movements like Art Camping have emerged as a beacon of hope, providing a platform for these resilient youth to explore different and more positive perspectives about themselves, their peers, and their future.

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Establishing trust among community members is of utmost importance in the Syrian context

Contributing to keeping young people away from firearms and conflict

Investing in youth and contributing to the elevation of their education and skills

The exchange of education, knowledge, and experience among artists

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Through measuring the number of participants (exceeded 100) through the years and the level of comfort and belonging they felt, the impact of the project was determined


Participants produced their own exhibitions, participated in residencies, and pursued creative careers, all without ever getting involved in the horrors of armed conflict.

For many people, art plays an important role in shaping society. It's often seen as a means of expressing ideas and perspectives that may not be easily conveyed through other forms of communication.

Founder of the organisation



A sustainable approach to developing the cultural ecosystem and developing the creative scene of the city should always be in the minds of programme creators.