
Middle East, Storytelling, Visual Arts, Post-war Reconciliation



Harmony is a community-based project in the heart of historic Homs in Syria. Conceived and curated by a group of local community and gifted artists, its purpose is to furnish a secure and engaging environment for young citizens to articulate themselves and their life experiences during the war. It provides spaces dedicated to painting and sculpting, allowing artists and creatives to express themselves freely. 

Additionally, it creates and hosts a series of shared exhibitions, workshops, and training sessions that explore the vital role of art in peacebuilding, aiming to empower artists to use their craft to create bridges. Gathering sessions encourage participants to share their personal stories and perspectives about the war and the "other", fostering empathy and dialogue among different regions in Syria.


Over the past decade, the Syrian war has caused significant traumatic events for the Syrian community, particularly affecting the youth, socially, economically, and in terms of their identity. With citizens in survival mode, it's a daily struggle to sustain the essentials of livelihood, leaving little opportunity to nourish their souls and minds. Sadly, there's a clear lack of creative or artistic hubs to support mental health and revive shared values, history, and identity. The absence of these vital resources further exacerbates the already-challenging situation, leaving many struggling alone to cope and find a path forward.



The prevailing cultural and social milieu fosters a sense of cohesion and solidarity despite divergent viewpoints and occasional discord

Youth engagement and empowerment

Providing safe spaces for self-expression




The effort has brought together diverse artists from different regions and backgrounds, strengthening bonds and shared values. This has helped reduce gaps in understanding and perceptions of the ongoing conflict, creating a peaceful environment and rebuilding communities.


The storytelling sessions have been a great opportunity for self-expression without restrictions. Participants can share their struggles, traumas, and experiences, contributing to a greater sense of co-existence and unity. This promotes empathy, respect, and understanding, free from propaganda and misconceptions.

After taking part in the Harmony programme, I was able to reconnect with my authentic self and recognise that I am still present and accounted for.

Program's participant



Financial obstacles and difficulties should not dictate the direction and approach of the project.


The peacebuilding process is a local invention and shouldn’t be imported.


Investing in youth is crucial as they are the key agents of change and securing sustainability.