
Amani People's Theatre

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The Amani People’s Theatre (APT) was founded by university volunteers in Kenya with the goal of responding to ethnic conflicts and post-election violence in the Rift Valley region. APT works with communities and children’s institutions in Kenya (Nairobi, Kilifi, Kwale, Kisumu and Marsa-bit countries). Founded in 1994, APT brings together a group of young volunteer artists committed to utilising their talents and skills in drama and theatre, in fashioning a story of peace with communities. It is an initiative of African artist-peacebuilders which employs an interactive multi-arts approach in its peacebuilding and conflict transformation training.

APT mainly works with grassroots and middle-level communities in both rural and urban Kenya, and people in difficult circumstances. APT has conducted workshops and performances in Kenya, the greater East Africa region, Sudan, Europe, and America.